Wednesday 28 September 2011

Perfect Portfolio

Hi Girls,

I thought it would be best to write a blog dedicated to our brand new venture at The Catwalk Academy! We have been working on it for months now to get the right team together that will produce the best possible results. We are so pleased with what we have and cannot wait to get started on the first one which will be running on Sunday 23rd Oct!

We at The Catwalk Academy felt like there wasnt a specific company in Scotland that could offer this sort of package to young inspiring models. I know how hard it was when I started out to know where to begin to get test shots. It can be daunting and we want to take all the stress away from you!! The day is set to be a fabulous one! We have a top fashion photographer who will be working with you to make sure you gain what you want from the day. We are delighted to be working with both LCR Makeup & Blush Makeup Artists who will be transforming you in your 3 different looks. We have chosen to go with a natural beauty look, a high fashion look and then lastly one of your choice. I know what it is like to flick through fashion magazines and see a shot that you just wish you had done, therefore now is your time!!!! We are only accepting a maximum of 6 girls per day so that we get the time to spend individually with you. All hair, makeup amd styling will be taken care of for you and you will leave feeling so excited about seeing your final shots!

We cannot express enough how much fun this day will be for you and are looking forward to meeting all of you fabulous fashionistas soon!!  

Much love, 

The Catwalk Academy Team x

Tuesday 21 June 2011

Little Fashionistas...

As the debate rages on concerning the sexualisation of children and with our debut Junior Catwalk Academy having just taken place, I felt this would be an excellent subject to discuss for our first blog! Our Junior Academy is designed for girls under the age of 16 and is a one day bootcamp instead of two ( that's for the seniors). It is a perfect opportunity to offer young girls a fun insight into everything fashion! 

We were worried that with all the recent negative press about exposing children to too much too young that the day wouldn't be the success that is was. There is so much hype about young girls and what they are watching, the way they dress and what they are exposed to. This is something that we at The Catwalk Academy do also feel strongly about and therefore cater our days to suit the ages of our girls. We do not want to wish away their youth. Our Junior day is designed for our cadets to have fun! A chance to put on some good girly music and have a go at strutting up and down our makeshift catwalk (mostly in Converse there wasn't a pair of heels in sight!) We teach them about how to look after their hair so they don't make the same mistakes some of us did ( not naming any names!! ) And whilst not putting a makeup brush near them we also cover the crucial element of how to look after your skin properly and if makeup is something they do wish to experiment with then how to do so appropriately for their age. We went on to teach them how to be confident when having a picture taken and with end of year dances, proms and parties this is great way to take off some of the pressure associated with this.

Whilst researching this, one article caught my eye in particular about a salon offering makeovers to young girls. I found it interesting to hear others opinions and it quite frankly surprised me how strongly people felt about this matter.

This is our chance to express how much our day is designed to the needs of girls their age. The feedback from our first one was excellent with the mums saying how it increased confidence and even formed new friendships between the girls. It is quite amazing watching the difference between the girls walking in and walking out and we just love to know that we have been a part of that! Let's not let negative propoganda put a dampener on what is a fabulous experience for all budding fashionistas. I'm sure you'll agree we have some serious fashion divas in the making.........

Love & Lipgloss.............. The Catwalk Academy  xXx